Negotia Group provides the following structured stages in the process of a business sale:
A business valuation is an opinion people rely upon to make decisions. Appraisals are not. They are estimates only and cannot be relied upon to make decisions.
There is no licensing regime in Australia as to who can do business valuations. Hence there are many cheap, online or quick response offerings available.
Reliable and creditable valuations, fit for the purpose they are needed, will take many hours to do.
The scope of the work in a valuation determines the cost. The scope of the work that complies with the standards for legal, government and professional advice is mandated by legal, government and professional bodies like the Family Law Court, the ATO, International Valuations Standards and the Accounting Professional and Ethical Standards.
Complete valuations will deal with three areas.
Valuations that do not address these three areas, cost less and are limited in their accuracy, reliability and credibility. That means people who rely on these valuations accept the risk for the valuation opinion may be incorrect.
We do appraisals for business sales on the clear understanding that they are only estimates.
We do business valuations that comply with the governing standard and fir for the purpose for which they are intended. We do them for:
Require a precise business valuation that reflects your business’s true value?